lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010

3º ESO, Les Miserables, 25th Anniversary

Este mes se cumplen ya los 25 años de este fantástico musical basado en la novela de Víctor Hugo , LOS MISERABLES y se ha convertido en uno de los mejores musicales de la historia. Hoy os dejo aquí un pequeñísimo resumen de la hsitoria, que dura muchísimo tiempo... Espero que os guste, os dejo la canción "Do you hear the people sing?"y otras tres canciones igualmente representativas del musical. I hope you like it

Jean Valjean is released after 19 years in a quarry for stealing bread. He is hardened till he met a Bishop to stay for a night. Valjean changed and became the mayor after 9 years. Inspector Javert  recognises him and tries to reveal who he is. Fantine,a factory worker is fired because she has a bastard child. As a result, Fantine became a prostitue and became sick. Valjean realised what happened to her and takes care of her. Inspect Javert finally manage to reveal Valjean for who he was. Fantine dies and give Valjean the authority to take care of her child, Cosette. Valjean escapes and finds the child and lived in a church for 10 years. Cosette now grown up goes to Paris with Valjean during a revolution. Cosette met a man, Marius and falls in love. Inspector Javert finally realises that Valjean was in Paris and tries to find him again.

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